Hartwall Capital invests in LeaseGreen

“LeaseGreen has managed to unlock enormous potential for owners of large properties”

The energy service company LeaseGreen is expanding its ownership base. LeaseGreen’s existing owners have carried out a transaction whereby Hartwall Capital, the Hartwall family investment company, will become a shareholder in the company. As part of the transaction, Hartwall Capital will also invest 10 million euro in new capital into the company. LeaseGreen’s operational management and strategy will remain unchanged, and the executive management and other existing owners will stay on as significant shareholders.

“We will continue on our familiar, inspiring path, but with added reinforcements,” says LeaseGreen’s CEO Tomi Mäkipelto, who founded the company in 2013 together with CFO Juho Rönni. “LeaseGreen has a strong capital structure on which to base its growth and internationalisation.”

According to Mäkipelto, LeaseGreen’s strategy will continue to be focused on achieving success together with the company’s customers and personnel. The company’s growth prospects are strengthened even further now with a long-sighted Finnish investor among its owners.

“In recent months, we have conducted in-depth discussions on LeaseGreen’s business operations, growth strategy and operating environment with Hartwall Capital. With the support of Hartwall Capital, LeaseGreen can continue implementing its current strategy and remain an entrepreneur-driven business. We will complete even larger and more ambitious customer projects than before and have now reinforced LeaseGreen’s owner and capital structure in the same way as before: in a timely, front-loaded manner.”

LeaseGreen plans and executes modernisations of large-scale properties’ energy systems, applying an innovative service model that includes financing. Operating in Finland and Sweden, the company employs around sixty highly educated building technology experts. LeaseGreen’s revenue grew to 21 million euros in 2017. During the current financial year, the company expects to achieve revenues of 35–40 million euro.

Hartwall Capital is a Finnish, family owned investment company. The company’s roots lie in the beverage business Oy Hartwall Ab, which was established in 1836. The investment company’s CEO Eeva Ahdekivi explains that Hartwall Capital seeks sustainable value growth via active ownership:

“LeaseGreen has been one of Finland’s best-performing growth companies in recent years. It has unlocked potential for substantial returns for property owners, thanks to its service model that offers easy opportunities for implementing energy efficiency investments. The gains on these investments are high, without tying up capital from the property owners. This means that carrying out the projects is profitable and uncomplicated for LeaseGreen’s customers. The company’s crystal clear operating model, values and entrepreneurial spirit are a good match with Hartwall Capital’s strategy, and we want to be strongly involved in supporting LeaseGreen’s entrepreneurs and personnel in the company’s next development phase.”

The market potential for properties’ energy renovations is several billion euro per year just in Finland and Sweden. In addition to the strong financial incentives, efforts to reduce energy consumption of properties and cut CO2 emissions are underpinned by the global discourse on climate change and corporate responsibility. Eeva Ahdekivi from Hartwall Capital and Tomi Mäkipelto from LeaseGreen agree that there is only one possible development path in this respect:

“The pressure is growing for improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions. Corporations have great intentions for operating responsibly, but few possess the necessary competence for solving the related technical challenges and making use of existing potential.”


Additional information:



Eeva Ahdekivi

Hartwall Capital Oy Ab

050 523 5840





Tomi Mäkipelto

LeaseGreen Group Oy

050 370 4092



Hartwall Capital supporting entrepreneurship

Hartwall Capital has signed a two-year contract with EY to sponsor the national EY Entrepreneur of the Year competition which EY arranges annually. EY Entrepreneur of the Year is a renowned award for growth entrepreneurs who inspire others with their visions, leadership and achievements. Through the competition entrepreneurs are encouraged to seek growth-oriented and responsible entrepreneurship and people are invited to learn more about growth entrepreneurship in general.

EY Entrepreneur of the Year has taken place in Finland since 2003 and is part of a worldwide entrepreneur competition with thousands of participants. The entire contest culminates at the finals in Monaco, where over 50 country-specific representatives compete over the title EY World Entrepreneur of the Year.

”We want to take part and support the current and new Finnish entrepreneur’s journey to growth by providing the contestants opportunities to learn, network and exchange thoughts. As a domestic owner Hartwall Capital can also give views on what is important to the growth financers”, says Hartwall Capital’s CEO Eeva Ahdekivi.

The 2018 contest commenced today 16 May 2018 at the opening ceremony in Helsinki and will be followed by the regional contests in Turku, Lahti, Tampere and Oulu. The Finnish winner will be announced at a gala in November in Helsinki. Read more about the contest and registration at www.eoy.fi.

Hartwall Capital has exited Royal Unibrew

Hartwall Capital has exited Royal Unibrew
Press release, January 16, 2018HC Holding Oy Ab (“Hartwall Capital”, a company owned by Hartwall Capital Oy Ab) has sold its shares in Royal Unibrew A/S (“Royal Unibrew” or the “Company”) in an accelerated book-building process (the “Share Sale”). Hartwall Capital sold 2,776,440 shares in the Company, corresponding to 5.27 percent of all shares and votes in Royal Unibrew. The transaction was several times oversubscribed. The sale price in the Share Sale was DKK 350 per share and the gross sales proceeds of the Share Sale amounted to approximately DKK 972 million. After the Share Sale, Hartwall Capital does not own any shares in the Company.

Hartwall Capital would like to take this opportunity to also thank the Company, its management team and Board of Directors for the good cooperation over the past five years that Hartwall Capital has been a significant shareholder in the Company.

Danske Bank A/S (“Danske Bank”) and Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ), Helsinki Branch (“SEB”) acted as Joint Bookrunners in the Share Sale.

Contact information:

Eeva Ahdekivi, Managing Director
Hartwall Capital Oy Ab

New board members in Hartwall Capital 2018

At the company’s extraordinary general meeting on 8 January 2018 Master of Science (Econ.) Jouni Grönroos and MBA, Master of Science (Econ.) Casimir Lindholm were elected new board members of Hartwall Capital.

Hartwall Capital and Terveystalo Oy

Terveystalo Oy has today 14 September 2017 announced that it is planning an initial public offering and a listing of its shares on the official list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Terveystalo is a leading healthcare service provider in Finland. The Company offers primary and outpatient secondary healthcare services to corporate, private and public sector customers. The Company's healthcare service includes general practice and specialist medical care, diagnostic services, outpatient surgery, dental services and other adjacent services, which together comprise the Company's integrated healthcare care chain. The Company also offers a suite of digital healthcare services. Terveystalo is able to provide nationwide reach through its approximately 180 clinics, covering all 20 of Finland's largest cities, together with its digital platforms.

As a cornerstone investor, Hartwall Capital Oy Ab is committed to subscribing 10.1% of shares in Terveystalo (calculated from the outstanding shares after a possible IPO) at the final subscription price in the possible IPO, subject to certain conditions being fulfilled, including a condition that the maximum valuation of all of the Company's outstanding shares (after any proceeds from the share issue and excluding treasury shares), based on the final subscription price, does not exceed EUR 1,250 million.

A link to Terveystalo Oy's notice on plans for listing https://www.terveystalo.com/en/Company/Terveystalo-is-planning-an-initial-public-offering-and-a-isting-on-Nasdaq-Helsinki-Ltd/

Hartwall Capital exited Sponda

Hartwall Capital has in conjunction with a public tender offer sold its shares in Sponda Oyj to Polar Bidco S.à r.l, a real estate fund managed by the global asset management company Blackstone Group. Hartwall Capital was an owner in Sponda from 2013 to 2017. For further information, please contact: Managing Director Eeva Ahdekivi, eeva.ahdekivi@hartwallcapital.fi

We are recruiting a FINANCIAL CONTROLLER

We are looking for a Financial Controller to join our team. The position description and the website where to apply can be found in Finnish below.

Financial Controller:

Vastaat työssäsi päivittäisestä maksuliikenteestä ja ostoreskontrasta, kuukausi- ja kvartaaliraportoinnista, budjetoinnista sekä toimit tilitoimiston kumppanina kirjanpitoon liittyen. Keskeisenä tehtävänäsi on taloushallinnon kontrollifunktion kehittäminen ja ylläpitäminen mm. tytär- ja osakkuusyhtiöiden raportointiin ja konsernitilinpäätökseen liittyen sekä muut taloushallinnon kehittämishankkeet. Lisäksi vastaat emo- ja tytäryhtiöiden likviditeetin kontrolloinnista sekä kehität likvidin sijoitussalkun raportointia ja kontrollointia yhdessä palveluntuottajamme kanssa. Vastuullesi kuuluu myös mahdollisia muita taloushallinnon tehtäviä ja projekteja. Raportoit työssäsi talousjohtajalle.

Odotamme sinulta:

  • Taloushallinnon, laskentatoimen ja kirjanpidon (FAS) monipuolista osaamista
  • Vähintään viiden vuoden kokemusta vastaavista tehtävistä tai tilintarkastuksesta
  • Tehtävään sopivaa koulutusta (esim. KTM, Tradenomi)
  • Hyvää Excel-osaamista ja valmiutta omaksua uusia tietojärjestelmiä
  • Kehittämislähtöistä toimintaotetta
  • Sujuvaa suomen- ja englannin kielen taitoa
  • Kiinnostusta sijoitustoimintaan

Eduksi on:

  • Konsernilaskennan kokemus
  • Sijoitustoimintaan liittyvä osaaminen, esim. tuotonlaskennan ja keskeisten tunnuslukujen osalta
  • Ruotsin kielen osaaminen

Etsimme henkilöä, joka ottaa tehtävänsä haltuun itsenäisellä otteella ja joka motivoituu toimintatapojen ja oman työnkuvansa kehittämisestä. Olet toimintaotteeltasi järjestelmällinen ja täsmällinen, mutta sinussa on myös luova puoli, joka pääsee esiin eri kehittämishankkeissa. Tartut tehtäviin proaktiivisesti ja joustavasti, ja sinulla on hyvät vuorovaikutus- ja yhteistyötaidot. Haluat työskennellä kehittyvässä organisaatiossa ja pystyt toimimaan hyvin myös muuttuvissa tilanteissa.

Tarjoamme itsenäisen tehtäväkentän, hyvät edut sekä mahdollisuuden tuoda oma panoksesi toimintatapojemme kehittämiseen. Pääset seuraamaan keskeiseltä paikalta suomalaista liike-elämää. Asiantuntijoista koostuva työyhteisömme on tavoitteellinen ja jokaisen osaamista arvostava. Toimitilamme sijaitsevat Helsingin keskustassa.

Lisätietoja tehtävästä antaa Personnel Groupin henkilöstökonsultti Jenna Jussila, puh. 050 442 8444, jenna.jussila@personnel.fi.
Toimita hakemuksesi ja CV:si palkkatoivomuksineen 4.6.2017 mennessä Personnel Groupin sivujen kautta: https://www.personnel.fi/avoimet-tyopaikat/

Waste management company Remeo's new brand highlights core focus on circular economy

Remeo Oy, formerly known as SUEZ Finland, has renewed its name and brand during the first half of 2017 as part of its move to Hartwall Capital's ownership in late 2016. The Latin translation of the new name is 'return', which together with the slogan – Ajattele. Uudestaan. (translation: Think. Again.) – tells about Remeo's role in advancing the circular economy and the development of a resource-saving society.

Recycling is a growing phenomenon and business activity. The circular economy is also one of the government's top projects and has significant growth potential.

"We see that this market has positive long-term growth trends," says Jussi Salokangas, Chief Investment Officer at Hartwall Capital. "Finland is at the forefront of many developments, but in recycling we are lagging behind, for example, the other Nordic countries. At the same time, Finland and the EU have set high targets for the development of recycling rates in the short and long term. We believe that growth prospects for the industry are good."

"Companies like Remeo are the enablers of the circular economy, and play a critical role in the reuse of materials, for example the recycling of fibers, plastics, glass and metal to domestic raw material. The need and demand from industrial producers to use secondary raw materials is growing all the time."

"We have, above all, bought the company to support its growth. There are many opportunities for growth,  Remeo can grow geographically, by expanding the service offering or through acquisitions."

"Hartwall Capital is a long-term Finnish owner and we want to support the growth and development of Finnish companies in the long term," says Salokangas.

Remeo's CEO Jorma Kangas sees the ownership change as a starting point for a strong development stage in the company.

"A strong and involved domestic owner provides an excellent base for Remeo's long-term development. Hartwall Capital is actively contributing to organic growth, and suitable acquisitions for are also clearly on the agenda. The recently renewed Public Procurement Act and the ongoing reform of the Waste Act will further open up the market and create opportunities for free competition." says Remeo CEO Kangas.


Remeo employs around 350 waste management professionals and the company's net sales in 2016 were approximately 74 million euros. Remeo operates a fleet of over 200 specialty vehicles. Remeo has offices in Vantaa, Riihimäki, Tampere, Heinola, Lahti, Porvoo, Kotka, Turku, Vaasa, Uusikaupunki, Lappeenranta, Seinäjoki, Vihanti and Ylivieska. Remeo has nine recycling and pre-treatment facilities throughout Finland. Materials recycled and pre-treated at the plants are delivered to the appropriate final processing or utilised as industrial raw materials.

Hartwall Capital acquires SUEZ Finland waste management operations

Hartwall Capital Oy Ab has signed an agreement with SUEZ Recycling AB to acquire SUEZ Suomi Oy, comprising the Finnish operations of SUEZ Group.

The Company has been operating in Finland since 1964, and has been part of the SUEZ Group since 1998. With revenues of EUR 71 million in 2015 and approximately 300 employees, SUEZ Finland is one of the leading waste management companies in Finland. Through its nationwide network, a fleet of over 200 vehicles and eight own treatment facilities, the company provides a comprehensive waste management offering for commercial customers, as well as municipalities and households. In addition to waste collection services, the company offers pre-treatment services for a number of waste fractions, including e.g. cardboard, paper, construction and demolition waste. The treated waste fractions are utilized as secondary raw materials, as a source of energy, or delivered to appropriate end treatment.

Eeva Ahdekivi, CEO of Hartwall Capital, comments: “SUEZ Finland’s market position and operations are solid, while the company has good opportunities for growth in the long term. The need and requirements for recycling and use of secondary raw materials will continue to grow. SUEZ Finland fits well Hartwall Capital’s strategy as a focused, long term owner of selected holdings where an active owner can help create value.  We are impressed with the work done by the management team and will support them and the company in the next growth phase.”

Jorma Kangas, CEO of SUEZ Suomi Oy, comments: ”In recent years SUEZ Finland has been successful in improving the profitability of the company, while also taking a good position in the growing commercial waste segment. With the support of our new owner, we can further focus on growth by proactively seeking to expand our service offering and by addressing emerging customer needs in our industry.”

The transaction is expected to close by the end of the year. The parties have agreed not to disclose the terms of the transaction. The name and brand of SUEZ Finland will be changed during 2017 as the company separates from the parent group, the new name will be announced in the first half of 2017. The transaction has no direct impact on the operations of the company which will continue as before. The contact details and customer service contacts for the company will remain unchanged.

Hartwall Capital is a Finnish family-owned investment company, who makes direct equity investments in selected listed and non-listed companies. Hartwall Capital aims to create value in the companies it invests in through active ownership and by supporting the growth plans of the companies. Hartwall Capital controls a portfolio of investments valued at over EUR 700 million, with direct equity investments in eight companies.

EY Corporate Finance, Hannes Snellman, Deloitte and Vahanen have acted as advisers to Hartwall Capital in connection with the transaction, financing is being arranged by Nordea.

For additional information, please contact:
Jussi Salokangas, Chief Investment Officer, Hartwall Capital
call requests tel. +358 9 6818 560


HC Ventures exited Finex

HC Ventures has sold its shares in Finex Plc to Johnson Matthey Plc 1st of June 2016.

For further information, please contact:
Mats Therman, Managing Director, HC Ventures +358 (0)9 6818 5617